Our Etiquette
etiquette - the conduct or protocol required for good breeding training. Having a safe, respectful and fun place to train is our number one concern:
Mindset - Always the keep the five rules, and the training perfectly methodology in mind.
Courtesy - Live up to our motto by showing respect anyone who wants to train with you. Show gratitude their willingness to learn and share.
Uniform/Clothing - Any comfortable, loose clothing. If you have a martial arts uniform (whatever the style) feel free to wear it.
Footwear - Any clean trainers/sneakers that will snuggly fit your feet will do. Wrestling shoes are ideal. Barefoot is optional.
Belt/Sash - If you've earned a grade in another system, feel free to wear that grade with your uniform.
Jewelry - Including watches, should be removed during training, as it poses a safety risk to you and others.
Finger/Toe Nails - Should be kept short, blunt and clean. Otherwise they need to be covered.
Cuts/Sores - Should be kept covered.